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The #1 Reason For Premature Air Conditioner Failure In Brevard,

The #1 Reason For Premature Air Conditioner Failure In Brevard,

Quality Comfort Florida

Air Conditioning is a vital component of any home, especially in the hot humid climate of the Space Coast of Florida. In Brevard the #1 reason for premature air conditioner failures is preventable.

At Quality Comfort, we are experts in air conditioning repair and maintenance. We have seen firsthand the devastating effects that a sprinkler system can have on ac units and heat pumps in the Space Coast area.

Sprinkler systems are a necessary part of the landscape. Many homeowners may not realize that sprinkler systems can be a major cause of damage to their a/c unit.

The water is highly corrosive to metal and for some reason, home builders will install a sprinkler head right next to the air conditioner. This can cause serious future issues with the air conditioning system.

It can cause the base of the air conditioning system to rust as well as cause the filter drier, compressor, accumulator, and other vital components to rust out and leak very expensive refrigerant.

At Quality Comfort we recommend homeowners take steps to protect their AC systems and Heat Pumps.

First, turn on your sprinkler system and make sure your air conditioner is not being sprayed this includes any overspray that may mist your system on a windy day. If your air conditioner is getting wet, you could relocate or cap off that sprinkler head. Another solution is to install a sprinkler head shield, which could deflect the water from the AC unit to help prevent rust and corrosion.

We would also recommend removing any vegetation near your AC system. It’s a good idea to lightly rinse your coils and remove grass clippings that could be clogging up the drain holes or the condenser coil.

It is also important to have regular maintenance of the AC or Heat Pump unit and have Quality Comfort inspect you’re your system so we can identify any signs of rusting and address them before they become a  major repair expense.

A rusted and leaking filter drier is a very common preventable repair. If you notice rust on your filter drier make sure there is no dirt or grass around the filter drier and then clean and paint it or use some type of rust inhibitor.

Quality Comfort does not install filter driers outside near the AC or Heat Pump because of this well-known rusting issue. We install them near the air handler inside your home or garage to prevent this very common repair in our area. 
